- With arbitrary power to order capital levels, FDIC is Death Star to community banking [Kevin Funnell]
- “Oh please. We’re not going too easy on [convicted inside trader] Raj Rajaratnam.” [John Carney]
- “Ronald Coase and the nature of shadow banking” [also John Carney]
- “Say-on-pay” as “lawyer-driven” litigation [Pepper Hamilton via Bainbridge]
- I’m a guest on Jim Puplava’s “Financial Sense” podcast [link]
- Wall Street, housing lobby to get their way again: “I’m afraid that the fix is in on housing finance reform.” [Arnold Kling]
- Channeling Bernie Sanders? Thumbsucker on decline of IBM as employer fingers shareholder value theory promoted by ever-so-wicked Chicago school [Washington Post]
- Wells Fargo gets a lending-discrimination class action tossed, but there’ll be others where it came from [Andrew Trask]
Banking and finance roundup is a post from Overlawyered - Chronicling the high cost of our legal system